Boosting your metabolism - the essential guide

Metabolism - something most of us don’t think about much…until we hit a certain age and start to suspect ours has declined. Maybe you notice that even though you’re eating the same way, moving the same way…you’re starting to gain some weight. Maybe your body just somehow feels different.

Can you relate?

Metabolism is in essence a broad term that encompasses a whole host of chemical processes going on within our bodies every day. When your metabolism is fired up and healthy - your entire mind and body run at their best. And, when you’ve got your metabolism performing optimally - you have more energy, sharper mental focus, healthier digestion, and even better nutrient absorption. Let’s just say, learning to guide YOUR one unique body into its inherent vibrant balance with full-on, fired-up metabolism is important!

Your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body turns fuel into energy) is affected by your gender, age, body composition, and lifestyle. For most of us, it begins to decline at age 40 and then continues to so about 5% each year thereafter. Another wrinkle - as women age, our estrogen levels decrease which causes thyroid levels to drop as well - and the thyroid is your body’s main regulator of metabolism.

The GOOD NEWS? There are some simple things you can do to boost your metabolism. Read on for some of my top tips:

  • Cultivate a healthy digestive system. The truth is that if you’re not regularly detoxifying and eliminating waste from your body, that buildup in the digestive tract clogs up your entire system and prevents your organs from functioning optimally.

  • Clean up your diet. Here it is AGAIN - another area where you’ll hear me tout the all-importance of cutting the crap from your diet! This includes processed, packaged, chemical-laden foods, white sugar, artificial sugars, as well as processed oils like corn, sunflower and canola oil.

  • Focus the majority of your daily nourishment on whole, nutrient-dense organic plants. Cruciferous vegetables (lookin’ at you broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts) - are especially powerful. One of the best ways to enjoy them is cooked to denature the goitrogenic effects.

  • Stay active and be sure to include strength training a few days a week. More muscle helps us age well, keep mobile, AND is more metabolically active than fat.

  • Do ‘hot lemon water’ first thing in the morning - before you have anything else - not only is it alkalizing, not only does it provide vital hydration after a night of sleep, not only does it jumpstart your digestion…it can also boost metabolism & thermogenesis.

  • Don’t put too much focus on calorie counting if you’re trying to lose weight. This strategy sabotages your efforts by slowing down your metabolism.

Have questions? Need help? CONTACT me by filling out the CONTACT form on my website so we can connect.

Work + live gorgeously well

xo - Jennifer


When you’re ready for more…here are other ways I can support you:

1.) Get delicious, plant-based, organic, high-quality, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined-sugar-free DELICIOUS meals delivered to your door! My hands-down favorite healthy meal delivery - SAKARA (they have amazing other goodies too - I love the Metabolism SuperPowder. Detox and Beauty Water Drops too).

Click HERE & shop with THIS LINK and use code: XOMWBYJEN for 20% OFF your first order.

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