Why it's not all about what you eat

It’s really NOT about what you eat.

This may sound crazy coming from a holistic nutrition coach - but the truth is, IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU EAT!

Don’t get me wrong, food really CHANGES EVERYTHING - it’s head-and-shoulders leading the pack as one of the most direct ways to shift your health and wellbeing, prevent disease, and it allows you to show up for your life with energy, and excitement - create what you know you’re here to create and experience all of the amazing things you most desire.

I know I used to squarely focus here - on my own journey to balance my body I was so focused on the actual food itself - figuring out a way of nourishing myself that made me feel alive again - getting the right amounts of whole plants, superfoods, healthy fats, fiber, etc. - AND, I was totally oblivious to the fact that my digestion was having none of it and my gut health was a wreck.

All of this to say that equally, if not MORE IMPORTANT than what you eat is WHAT YOU ARE ABLE TO DIGEST AND ASSIMILATE!

In the 5,000-year-old ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda, there’s a saying that goes something like this:

If one has a strong agni (digestive fire), one can eat poison and turn it into sweet nectar.

And, if one eats the very best, organic, whole foods but has a weak agni that same food can turn to poison’

What you eat AND what you digest - these two things need to come together for you to look and feel your best. It’s easy to focus all of your attention on what to eat and what not to eat yes? I mean, all of the meal plans, books, etc. focus on THE FOOD. But what about your digestive health?

What if you’re experiencing excess gas, bloating, low energy, skin issues, or mental fog? These are just a few signs your body could be sending you that indicate your digestion may be weak.

A healthy gut and strong digestion can also prevent dramatic dips in said energy by regulating blood glucose levels…and blood sugar balance provides a key function in insulin sensitivity and hormone balance. With a proper ratio of protein, fat, and fiber your blood sugar won’t fluctuate aggressively, which translates to the proper amount of insulin being released within the body.

So, what to do to optimize your digestive fire so your one amazing body can fully assimilate and soak in EVERY OUNCE OF the nutrition from your food? It’s definitely a process and can take some trial and error to figure out what works best. But, here are a few of my favorite tips to HELP ESTABLISH ROBUST DIGESTIVE FIRE:

  • Avoid liquids with meals. And YES, this means ignoring the glass of water you’re served first thing when you sit down to eat at a restaurant. If we think about our digestion (Agni in Sanskrit) as literally a fire…then imagine pouring water on that fire! Of course, it will sputter and be quickly squelched out. Drinking with meals dilutes the digestive enzymes and acids and can decrease their effectiveness to do their job.

  • Chew your food - sounds obvious but most people don’t do this enough! Some say each bite should be chewed 15 - 20 times for it to be fully digested. Chewing is really one of the very first steps in the digestive process.

  • Eat your largest meal at noontime - when the energy of the day and of your digestive fire is at its peak - between 12- 1 pm.

  • Don’t eat when you are distracted (in front of a computer, on the phone or watching TV) or if you are stressed, angry or anxious. The gut and the brain are SO INTIMATELY CONNECTED - the gut is actually referred to as our second brain. Eating while distracted or distressed is a recipe for incomplete digestion, gas, bloating, and acid reflux.

  • Eat whole, nutrient-dense, foods - mostly plants. Focus on fiber. Avoid processed, packaged, and frozen foods and excess sugar.

Vibrancy is your inherent state,



When you’re ready for more…here are other ways I can support you:

1.) Get delicious, plant-based, organic, high-quality, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined-sugar-free DELICIOUS meals delivered to your door! My hands-down favorite healthy meal delivery - SAKARA (they have amazing other goodies too - I love the Metabolism SuperPowder. Detox and Beauty Water Drops too).

Click HERE & shop with THIS LINK and use code: XOMWBYJEN for 20% OFF your first order.

2.) Follow me and feel free to message me with any of your questions about living and working Minimal and Well on Instagram @_minimalandwell. I love connecting with all of you here!

3) Become part of our growing Minimal and Well community on Facebook. We're all about clean, modern, minimal, vibrantly healthy living. This community is an amazing tribe of connected wellness warriors sharing and supporting each other along the journey join here!

Jennifer CookComment