My favorite luxe, organic meal delivery service

If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you know I really don’t love spending lots of time in the kitchen cooking. I don’t do recipes with long lists of ingredients, heck, truth be told, I really don’t like cooking much at all! Most of my meals are made in under 30 minutes from a few high-quality, simple, nourishing ingredients.

I know, I know - it may seem shocking coming from a wellness coach - but even though I don’t love spending lots of time in the kitchen (there are literally, 10 things that immediately come to mind I’d rather be doing)- I’m also a business owner - with my own rapidly expanding wellness business where I work with private clients, as well as doing brand consulting and copywriting for creatives as well as still working a corporate career at an advertising agency/ Some days are jam-packed. And, I'm also unwavering in my commitment to nourishing myself every day with high-quality nutrition.

I know that how I fuel my body has everything to do with all that I do - to how I show up for my clients, my passions, and my life.

Sometimes, it’s all A LOT and I really just need to hit the ‘Easy Button’ knowing I’ve got gorgeous, high-end, nutrient-dense, organic, deeply satisfying, delicious meals ready to roll - which brings me to my all-time favorite meal delivery service - SAKARA!

It’s been literally life-saving and game-changing on some of my busiest weeks. I’ve followed their founders and used their products for years and I appreciate the quality, the care, and the intention behind everything they do.

All of their meals are plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free, and organic.

If you’re feeling you could really use a ‘reset’ of your eating habits, or if you know you’re in a rut with your meals, or if you are committed to fueling yourself with the highest quality but are super busy - you’ll love their 3 and 5-day meal delivery plans. They rotate the menus every week too. Oh, and if you’re called, I recommend taking a look at their Metabolism Super Powder, as well as their Beauty and Detox water drops. Their granolas are awesome too.

In just one week of eating SAKARA meals, you will flood your cells with over 200 different organic vegetables! How crazy good is that?

You can also use my exclusive code: XOMWBYJEN to save 20% off your entire first order!

I’m excited to offer you an exclusive 20% off your entire first order -use thie link below (by copying and pasting into your browser)

And be sure to use the code: XOMWBYJEN