Why an email list is essential

As an entrepreneur there are a million shiny new things, and ways to get distracted. There are literally tons of things you may feel you need to do to reach potential customers. I get it! But all of this trying to be all the places all of the time can be overwhelming, confusing, stressful and at the end of the day it may be a big drain of your valuable time.

I’m here to tell you another more effective way to build a wildly loyal following of people who are your ideal clients, collectors and customers and it doesn’t involve doing tons of IG reels, starting a podcast, or being on Facebook, and Instagram, and Linked In all day.

The truth is, as a business owner one of the most powerful, valuable assets you have is your email list. Here’s why - it’s estimated by McKinsey & Co Management Company that email is approximately 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook (https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/growth-marketing-and-sales/our-insights/why-marketers-should-keep-sending-you-emails).

40%! Wow. And, the beautiful thing is that not only is email more effective at creating new customers but you have FULL CONTROL. Think about this! The social media algorithms are constantly changing and out of your control. If any of these platforms crashes, or goes away (which is entirely possible), and it’s the only place you have connection with your community you’re dead in the water.

Another BIG plus to email communication? A substantial portion of your posts will be seen (anywhere from an average of 20-60%) Compare this to Instagram or Facebook where your posts are likely to only be seen by a tiny 2% of your followers -yep, those algorithms are brutal!

Here are a few of my top tips when it comes to building, nurturing, and engaging with your list:

  • Make sure to have an opt-in area on your website so people can sign up for regular updates from you

  • Be consistent. Start out with a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter. Expand from there. Listen to your intuition and learn to trust it. You’ll know when it’s time to share more.

  • Keep your content relevant. How can you best serve your ideal client? What do they need right now to help them get what they most want?

  • Think about a variety of content - from inspiring stories of your own life and lessons learned, to your top tips and testimonials. Share your offerings. As a new entrepreneur you may be hesitant to ‘sell’, but if you don’t make offers and share the opportunities to work with you, or buy your product or service, then you have a hobby and not a business.

  • Write authentically in your own voice. Spellcheck, spellcheck, spellcheck.

  • Always, always include a CTA or Call to Action at the end of your email. Ask a question, tell them to take action & ‘click to schedule or buy’.

Want to have my help creating your brand and your business? Cut and paste the link below into your browser and book a time for a free call so we can connect.


Jennifer CookComment